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Following on from last week’s article, as promised we will take a deeper dive into a few essentials and basics of storytelling. Whether you are creating a film, writing a novel, or developing a marketing campaign, the ability to tell a compelling story is critical to engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impact. We’ll explore the importance of storytelling in media production, and help you identify your core message as well as master the art of pacing. We’ll cover everything you need to know to become a master storyteller…
Storytelling is an art that has been used for thousands of years to share information, educate, and entertain. In today’s media landscape, storytelling has become even more important, as it is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and creating emotional connections…
While video content often gets more attention, audio is also an important and rapidly evolving aspect of the media industry. Let’s explore the trends and changes that are expected to shape the audio landscape in 2023, including the rise of smart speakers, the growth of podcasting, and the impact of immersive audio technology. We’ll also discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the audio industry and what it might mean for content creators and consumers alike…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already playing a significant role in media production, and its impact is expected to grow in the coming years. Let’s take a more in depth look at the development of AI and explore the current and potential applications of ot in the media industry, including the benefits and challenges of these developments, and the ethical implications of these technologies…
Streaming services have been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years, with an ever-increasing number of people opting to cut the cord and rely solely on internet-based television. The convenience and flexibility of streaming services have made them the go-to option for many viewers, and this trend is expected to continue into the future. In this post, we will explore the trends and changes that are expected to shape the streaming landscape in 2023 and beyond…
If you’re a vlogger or just a hobby enthusiast looking to make a nice video, good B-roll can bring a lot – as long as it’s shot well. B-roll can enhance your video visually, making it more “cinematic”. But what exactly is B-roll? Good B-roll can be used to enhance an otherwise dull video. It can make the difference between a boring video that no one will watch and an exciting one that people will want to share with their friends…

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